Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ooh, look at me! I started a blog. I'm young (aren't I young still?) and not too tech-retarded, so I guess I just joined the 21st century.
First step came choosing the URL for my blog. . . dammit, you know what happens with you are the billionth person to start a blog? Same thing as in the late 90's, when you were the billionth person to sign up for an AOL account, all the good names are taken!
I don't really have 15 kids. I have 4, and sometimes 5 (the 5th is His daughter). I babysit my nieces and nephew, and the occasional neighborhood kid. Once, during cycle break, there actually WERE 15 kids here. I killed them all and buried them under my trailer, so this blog is a tribute to them.
***Please know I am kidding, I need a few hours notice for Family Services to show up at my door so I can clean a little bit instead of write blogs in the internet.***
And the rest, well, when people ask me, "How do you do it?" I respond, "I drink a lot," which, I assure you, is only semi-true. ***Again, please let me know if Family Services is going to show up!***
I am a stay-at-home-mom, but really only during the day. I have three sons in Cub Scouts, I am my niece's Girl Scout leader, and I have my own business. I am a Pure Romance consultant, I do in-home parties for women - my friends call me The Dildo Slinger.
Mornings I spend time drinking coffee, looking up stuff online, and going outside for smoke breaks while the kids are watching Dora, Diego, and WonderPets.
I'm a spelling, grammar, and punctuation nerd. I am not a queen typist, however, and will rarely waste my time proofreading or editing, since chances are I got it right the first time (haha, I spelled grammar wrong, but I fixed it). I don't like using capitalization or apostrophes, but I feel like I should for this first blog, since we are just meeting - I feel like I should "act" somewhat professional. Don't expect it from here on out though.
I wonder if anyone will ever see this blog? I wonder if I will ever tell people about it? I wonder if I will ever write anything of SUBSTANCE? Probably not. At least not to the last question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a scary thing to show your blog off to the world. Congrats on being so brave! It can actually be quite releasing