Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am embarrassing

On a recent trip to Wal-Mart, I took my three sons with me. I remind them *not* to embarrass me, by acting like little hoodlums - fighting, yelling, running, etc, or I would embarrass them right back with a smack to the head (didn't have to carry it out). They assured me there would be no mutual embarrassment.

We were browsing the aisles looking for sunscreen (when the HELL did sunscreen get so damn expensive?!), when one of the kids suggested we buy band-aids. As I already have some at home, hidden well, I asked him why he wanted to buy some, did he have a boo-boo? Eric (10) promptly informed me that I was embarrassing them! In public, I canNOT use baby words like "boo-boo." Apparently "ouchie" is unacceptable also. The only acceptable term for a wound is "sore" or "cut." Amazing what turns into a long, serious discussion, huh?
I think they all knew I was being silly. At least I hope they did. I still like the word boo-boo, and will continue to use it - I'll just try to remember not to do it in public.